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Past Works 2010-2012

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The Seeds of Abraham Spiritual


"If you will concentrate on building people, God will build the Church."  This message was ringing in my ear during my stay at the Veteran home in Indiana, (you see;) this is a place for homeless Veterans who are suffering in today's economy.  Its a chance to come off the streets, even for a short period.  Most counselors are program to get you back into the work-force as quickly as they can so that you can only fail once more, we as humans are always viewing people from the outside.  When really the situation is rooted from the inside of that person, they have ran out of their "Spiritual Food", but has never been told this vital information.  When we think of the word (Vital) the first thing that comes to mind is your birth certificate.  And this takes you all the way back to your birth date, well when you run out of your "Spiritual Food", its like going back to your creator and asking for help. But what humans don't understand is that God has made a "Promise", to you, to protect you, to provide for you, and most of all to call on his name.  

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